
Chapter#9 Aromatic Hydrocarbons(F.sc Part 2) Chemistry Mcqs

Aromatic Hydrocarbons

The molecular formula of toluene is_______

a) C7H7 b) C7H8
c) C8H8 d) C8H7

In benzene sulphonic acid,the sulphonic
group is attached with benzene ring

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen
c) Sulpher d) –OH

Phenanthrene ________ benzene rings

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

Aniline is a derivative of benzene which

a) Hydroxyl group b) Amino group
c) Amido group d) Imido group

When benzene is substituted by halogens
only, which one of the following halogens is
given the number one position in the ring while
writing the name of compound?

a) Bromine b) Chlorine
c) Flourine d) Iodine

Which one of the following is not a meta
directing group?

a) –CN b) –OH
c) –COOH d) –CHO

Which pair of groups contains both ortho & 
para directors?

–NR3, –CN
–N (CH3)2, –NH2

Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the 
gas which was produced by destructive 
distillation of vegetable oil done in_________

The presence of Oxygen
The presence of Hydrogen
The absence of Oxygen
The presence of excessive Oxygen

How many moles of H2 are added up when 
benzene is heated with hydrogen in the 
presence of platinum?

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Six

In benzene the C-C bond length is larger than 
the C-H bond length by a numerical value 

a) 0.307Ao b) 0.307 nm
c) 0.337Ao d) 0.307 nm

The heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is 

-219.5 KJ/ mole 
219.5 calories/ mole
-119 KJ/ mole
-119 Cal/ mole

The resonance energy of benzene is______

150.5 KJ/ mole
250.5 KJ/ mole
150.5 KJ/ mole
250.5 KJ/ mole
Benzene does not undergo ___________

Substitution reaction
Addition reaction
Polymerization reactions
Oxidation reactions

During sulphonation of benzene, H2SO4 
generates____________ electrophile

a) HSO4- b) SO2
c) NO2- d) NO2+

Nitronium ion is_____________

a) NO3 b) NO
c) NO2- d) NO2+

The hydrolysis of Benzenetriozonide will yield 
three moles of ________

a) Glyoxine b) Benzaldehyde
c) Glycol d) Glyoxal

40. Which of the following will undergo nitration more easily and readily?

a) C6H6 b) C6H5CHCl2
c) C6H5CCl3 d) C6H5CH3

41. The reaction of toluene with chlorine in the presence of FeCl3 gives

Benzyl chloride
Benzal chloride
m – Chloro Toluene
O/P Chloro Toluene

42. Benzene is made of 

6 Pi and 6 sigma bonds
3 Pi and 3 sigma bonds
3 Pi and 12 sigma bonds
6 Pi and 3 sigma bonds

43. Common reaction of Benzene and its derivatives are 

Electrophilic addition 
Electrophilic substitution
Nucleophilic addition
Nucleophilic substitution

44. Benzene when treated with acetyl chloride in the presence of AlCl3 yields

a) Acetyl Benzene b) Benzyl Chloride
c) Benzophenone d) Acetophenone

45. Passing vapors of Phenol over heated Zinc gives

a) Benzene b) Acetic Acid
c) Benzoic Acid d) Benzaldehyde

46. Which of the following is not an explosive?

a) Picric Acid b) Trinitrobenzene
c) Trinitro Toluene d) Nitro benzene

47. Toluene on reaction with acidic KMnO4 produces

a) Phenol b) Benzoic acid
c) Benzyl alcohol d) Benzophenone

48. The b.p of P – nitro phenol is higher than that of O – nitro phenol because

Nitro group is O/P group
Nitro group is electron donating group
Bonding occurs in P – nitro phenol
None of these

49. Which of the following can be easily nitrated?

a) Phenol b) Benzoic acid
c) Nitro benzene d) All of these

50. Aspirin is obtained by reaction of sulphuric acid and 

a) Phenol b) Benzene
c) Acetyl chloride d) None of these

51. Sulphonation of benzoic acid gives

O – benzene sulphonic acid
P – benzene sulphonic acid
m – benzene sulphonic acid
O/P benzene sulphonic acid

52. Benzene can be obtained by 

Reaction of zinc and phenol
Hydrolysis of benzene sulphonic acid
Reduction of benzene chloride
All of these

53. o – xylene on oxidation yields

a) Oxalic acid b) o – Phthalic acid
c) Toluene d) m – Phthalic acid

54. The resonance energy of benzene is 

a) 36 j/mol b) 36 cal/mol
c) 36 Kcal/mol d) none of these

55. The catalyst used for halogenation of benzene is 

a) Cu b) Ni
c) FeCl3 d) Zn

56. Which one is nitronium ion?

a) EMBED Equation.3   b) EMBED Equation.3  
c) EMBED Equation.3   d) None of these

57. Which substituent group decrease the reactivity of benzene, because they

Increase the electronic density of benzene ring
Decrease the electronic density of benzene ring
Decrease the stability of phenonium ion
Both b & c

58. Benzene on ozonolysis produces

a) Benzoic acid b) Cyclohexane
c) Glyoxal (CHO2)2 d) None of these

59. Meta orienting groups decrease the reactivity of benzene because they

Increase the electronic density of benzene
Decrease the electronic density of benzene
Decrease the stability of phenonium ion
Both b & c

60. Benzene was found by _______ in 1825 in the 
gas produced by the destructive distillation of 
vegetable oils. 

a) Hofmann b) Michael Faraday
c) Solvay d) None of these

61. Replacement of hydrogen atom by – SO2OH is 
called _______

a) Nitration b) Sulphonation 
c) Alkylation d) Hydrogenation 

62. The Kekule structures of benzene are related 
in which of the following way?

a) They are eac equally correct as structure for 
b) Benzene is sometimes one structures and 
   sometime the other. 
c) The two structures are in a state of rapid 
d) Neither of the two structures describes 
   benzene adequately 

63. The conversion of toluene into benzoic acid 
can be achieved by 

a) Br2, heat and light
b) Cl2, FeCl3
c) KMnO4, OH-, heat (then H3O+)
d) None of the above

64. The conversion of ethyl benzene into 1 – 
chloro – 1 – phenyl ethane can be achieved by 

a) Cl2, light b) Cl2, FeCl3
c) SOCl2 d) None

65. Benzene reacts with chlorine to give a 
substance with formula C6H6Cl6. This reaction 
is brought about by 

a) An acid catalyst b) Ultraviolet radiation 
c) Aluminum oxide d) Iron fillin

Chapter # 8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons(F.sc Part 2) Chemistry Mcqs

Chapter # 8
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Valencies in alkanes are _____________

Completely satisfied
Partially satisfied
No satisfied
No general rules

Alkanes containing one branch on main chain are called_________

a) Iso b) Normal
c) Neo d) Branched

When one hydrogen atom of alkane is
       replaced/removed, then it is called

Saturated hydrocarbon

Alkanes are also known as _______

Saturated hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
a & c

Sabatier’s Sendren’s reaction involves
      _________in presence of Ni

a) alkene & H2 b) alkene & O2
c) alkene & N2 d) alkene & Cl2

Zn is a good___________

a) Metal b) Oxidizing agent
c) Non-metal d) Reducing agent

Removal of -COOH is called______

a) Carboxylation b) Decarboxylation
c) Esterification d) Hydroxylation

Soda lime is a mixture of_____________

CaO and KOH
CaO and NaOH
NaOH and NaO
Nao and KOH

Malozonide changes into___________

a) Epoxide b) CO2 + H2O
c) Ozonide d) CO+H2O

RCOONa+H2O [Electrolysis] is known as _____

a) Bosch reaction b) Kolb reaction
c) Sabatier’s reactiuon d) Frankland reaction

R-Mg-Br is called_________

Grignard reagent
Wurtz reaction
Tollen’s reagent
Pinacol pinacolour reagent

Upto _____ C atoms, alkanes are gases

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 6

Alkanes are less reactive than alkenes due to__________

Presence of sigma bond
Absence of pi bonds
Presence of sigma and pi bonds
No justification available

Introduction of nitro group is called______

a) Nitration b) Halogenation
c) Sulphonation d) None

Order of halogenation is___________

a) I>Cl>Br>F b) F>Cl>I>Br
c) F>Cl>Br>I d) Cl>F>Br>I

Gas is used in fertilizer ____________

a) C2H6 b) C2H4
c) C2H2 d) CH4

General formula of alkenes is _______

a) CnH2n+2 b) CnH2n-2
c) CnH2n d) CnH2n-x

The order of dehydration of alcohol is____

no specificity occurs

Removal of halogen and hydrogen atom is___


Alkenes are produced from Dehalogenation of_______

a) di-halides alkane b) tri-halides alkane
c) vic. Di-

24. Which member of IV A has little tendency to form anions or cations?

a) Pb b) Sn
c) Ge d) C

25. Alkanes due to little chemical reactivity are also called

a) Olefins b) Paraffins
c) Grignard’s reagent d) None of these

26. Methane and other members of paraffins do not react with aqueous solution of acids, alkalies, KMnO4 or other oxidizing agents this lack of reactivity is due to its nature

a) Polar b) Nonpolar
c) Acidic d) Basic

27. Which hybrid orbital will form the compound CH3 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH3

a) SP2 and SP b) SP2 and SP3
c) SP d) SP3

28. Which of the following types of reactions occur when a reactant has a double bond?

a) Substitution b) Addition
c) Photolysis d) Polymerization

29. Among the following orbital bonds, the angle is minimum between

a) SP3 bond b) Px and Py orbitals
c) H – O – H in water d) SP bond

30. The compound with highest boiling point is

n – hexane
n – pentane
2 – methyl butane
2, 2 – dimethyl propane

31. Alcoholic KOH solution is used for


32. Which is least soluble in water?

a) Phenol b) Benzene
c) Benzoic acid d) Ethanol

33. Baeyer’s test is use to detect the bond in an organic compound

a) Single bond b) Double bond
c) Triple bond d) All of these

34. Ethylene reacts with Baeyer’s reagent to form

a) CO2 and H2O b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Ethylene oxide d) Ethylene glycol

35. When ethylene reacts with chlorine to form an oily product. This oily product is called

a) Baeyer’s test b) Bromine water
c) Dutch – liquid d) Glycol

36. Which of them is used as general anesthetic?

a) Ethane b) Ethene
c) Ethyne d) Ether

37. The positive part of the adding molecule will go to that carbon which has greater number of hydrogen atoms. This statement is called

Hoffmann’s Rule
Baeyer’s Strain theory
Thiele’s theory
Markownikoff’s rule

38. Bromo Ethane on treatment with alcoholic KOH yields

a) Propane b) Ethene
c) Ethylene d) Acetylene

39. Metallic carbide on treatment with water gives out a colourless gas which burns readily in air and gives a red precipitate with Cu2Cl2 + NH4OH. The gas is

a) CH4 b) C2H6
c) C2H4 d) C2H2

40. When acetylene reacts with 10% H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4 yields

c) CH3CHO d) CH3OCH3

41. Dehydration of Ethanol gives

a) C2H4 b) C2H2
c) C2H6 d) C2H4O

42. Which of the following has active hydrogen?

a)  C2H2 b) C2H4
c) C2H6 d) CH4

43. Treatment of propene with cold concentrated H2SO4 followed by boiling water forms

a) Propyne b) Propanol
c) Propanal d) 2 – Propanol

44. Markownikoff’s rule provides guidance for addition of HBr in

CH2 = CH – CH3
CH2 = CH2
CH3 – CH = CH – CH3
None of these

45. The compound having both SP and SP3 hybridized carbon atom is

a) Propene b) Propane
c) Propyne d) All of these

46. PVC is a polymer of

a) CH2 = CH2 b) C2H6
c) CH2 = CH Cl d) C2H2

47. The structural formula of the compound which yields ethylene upon reaction with Zinc is

a) CH2Br – CH2Br b) C2H3Br
c) C2H2 d) C2H5OH

48. The major reactions occur in alkanes are

Electrophilic addition reaction
Nucleophilic substitution reaction
Free radical substitution reaction
Free radical addition reaction

51. The high polymer of chloroprene is 

a) Polythene b) Benzene
c) Neoprene d) Vinyl acetylene

52. Which one of the following gives Ethyne on electrolysis?

a) Sodium Acetate b) Sodium Succinate
c) Sodium Formate d) Sodium Fumerate

53. Ethene on interaction with hypochlorous acid gives

Dichloro acetaldehyde
Ethylene chlorohydrin
Ethylene Dichlorohydrin

54. The compounds having Pi bonds are in general

a) More reactive b) Less reactive
c) Neutral d) Both a & b 

55. Which one will not decolourize bromine water?

a) Ethene b) Ethyne
c) Propene d) Butane

56. Acetylene adds on to HCN to give

Acetylene cyanide
Vinyl ethane

57. Action of HOCl with ethene to give ethylene chlorohydrin is an example of 

Displacement reaction 
Substitution reaction
Addition reaction 
Polymerization reaction 

58. Chloroform is stored in dark coloured bottles because in light it is 

Reduced to CCl4
Oxidized to CCl4
Reduced to phosgene
Oxidized to a poisonous phosgene

59. Formation of alkane by the action of zinc on 
alkyl halide is called ________

a) Frankland reaction 
b) Wurtz reaction 
c) Cannizzaro’s reaction 
d) Kobe’s reaction

60. The alkynes have _______

a) Tetrahedral frame work
b) Planar molecules
c) Linear structure
d) None of these

61. The alkenes have _______

a) Tetrahedral frame work
b) Planar molecule
c) Linear structure
d) None of these

62. Alkenes undergo _______
a) Addition reaction 
b) Substitution reaction 
c) Both addition & substitution reaction 
d) None of these

63. _______ does not react with aqueous solution 
of acids, alkalies, or potassium permanganate 
or other oxidizing agents and most of the usual 
laboratory reagents.  

a) Benzene b) Ether
c) Methane d) Acetic acid

65. Markovnikov addition of KCl to propene 

a) Initial attack by a chloride ion 
b) Isomerization of 1 – chloropropane
c) Formation of n – propyl cation 
d) Formation of isopropyl cation

66. When an aqueous solution of sodium or 
potassium salt of mono carboxylic acid is 
subjected to electrolytic, corresponding alkane 
is formed. This reaction is called ________

a) Sabatier Senderens Reaction 
b) Kolbe’s Electrolysis
c) Polymerization
d) Chlroination 

67. The elimination of hydrogen halide (HX) from 
adjacent carbon atoms is called ________

a) Pyrolysis    b) Chlorination 
c) Dehydrohalogenation     d) None 

68. When a mixture of ethane and air is passed 
over heated silver under pressure, we get 

a) Epoxide b) Super oxide
c) Suboxide d) None 

69. The process used for the preparation of 
acetylene is _______

a) Berthelot Process
b) Sabatier – Senderns Reaction 
c) Kolbe’s Process
d) Haber’s process

CHAPTER # 7 Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry(F.sc Part 2) Chemistry Mcqs

Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

1. The state of hybridization of carbon atom in
    methane is

(A) Sp3                           (B) Sp2
(C) Sp                             (D) dsP2

2. In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to

(A) Two hydrogen atoms
(B) Three hydrogen atoms
(C) One hydrogen atoms
(D) No hydrogen atoms

3. Which set of hybrid orbitals has planar triangular shape

(A) Sp3                                (B) Sp
(C) Sp2                                (D) dsp2

4. The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was

(A) Berzelius                               (B) Kolbe
(C) Wholer                                  (D) Lavoisier

5. Linear shape is associated with which set of hybrid orbitals ?

(A) Sp                              (B) Sp2
(C) Sp3                            (D) dsp2

6. A double bond consists of.

(A) Two sigma bond
(B) One sigma and one pi bond
(C) One sigma and two pi bond
(D) Two pi-bond

7. Ethers show the phenomenon of

(A) Position isomerism
(B) Functional group isomerism
(C) Metamerism
(D) Cis-trans isomerism.

8. Select from the following the one which is alcohol.

(A) CH3 --------CH2--------OH
(B) CH3---------O-----------CH3
(D) CH3--------CH2--------Br

9. Early chemists recognized organic compounds
      distinct from inorganic compounds because of

 (A) The difference in their origin and
 (B) The similarities in their origin but
       difference in their propertied
 (C) Both of the above
 (D) None of the above

10. The vital force theory was rejected by

A) Jhon Dalton B) Friedrick Wohler
C) Dmitri Mendeleev D) None of the above

11. We have become dependent for our food
        medicines and clothing   to which compounds.

(A) Inorganic compounds
(B) Organic compounds
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

12. Natural Gas is a

(A) Mixture of hydrocarbons
(B) Methane
(C) Both of the above
(D) Nonn of the above

13. In Pakistan the natural gas is used for.

(A) For power generation only
(B) In coment and fertilizer industries only
(C) As a fuel in general industries and for
     domestic purposes
(D) All of the above are truce

14. At what temperature coal is heated in the observe of air for converting it into coke, coal
gas, and coal tar

(A) Temperature ranging from 500-1000oC
(B) Temperature ranging from 100-1000oC
(C) Temperature ranging from 300-2000oC
(D) Temperature ranging from 1000-3000oC

 15. Cracking of petroleum is taken place by

A) Thermal cracking B) Catalytic cracking
C) Steam cracking D) All of the above

16. The structure of alkynes can be explained by yet another mode of hybridization called as

(A) Sp2 hybridization  
(B) Sp3 hybridization
(C) Sp5 hybridization  
(D) Sp hybridization

17. Metamerism aries due to the.

(A) Equal distribution of carbon atoms
(B) Unequal distribution of carbon atoms
(C) Both of the above are true
(D) None of the above are true

18. Cis-trans isomerism is also called as

(A) Geometric Isomerism
(B) Position Isomerism
(C) Chain Isomerism
(D) Metamerism

19. Coal, petroleum and natural gas are important
      sources of.

(A) Organic compounds
(B) Inorganic compounds
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

20. Organic compounds are classified into

(A) Acyclic and cyclic compound
(B) Acyclic & Heterocyclic
(C) Non-cyclic
(D) All of the above

21. Rate of reactions of most organic compounds

a) Very slow
b) Very fast
c) Medium
d) No regular character present

22. Coal is produced after a long time decay of

a) Animals b) Fossils
c) Wood d) Ores

23. Ether functional group can be represented

a) –OH b) R-CO-R
c) R-O-R d) R-COOH

24. 2-propanol can show isomerism as _______

a) Metamerism
b) Functional group isomerism
c) Geometric isomerism
d) None of above

25. The hydrocarbons which give smoke on burning is called________

a) Aliphatic b) Aromatic
c) Carboxylic acid d) Aldehydes

26. In sp3 hybridization, the geometry of molecules will be_________

a) Square planar b) Trigonal pyramidal
c) Tetrahedral d) All are possible

27. Only sigma bonds are present in _______

a) Propene b) Butanoic acid
c) Butanal d) Ethoxy butane

28. In alkyne, the hybridization is____________

a) sp2 b) sp
c) sp d) All

29. Octane no. of any fuel can be improved by ______

a) Pyrolysis b) Reforming
c) Polymerization d) Condensation

30. The fuel having 40% n-heptane & 60% iso-octane will have octane number

a) 40 b) 60
c) 80 d) 90

31. Which of them is heterocyclic organic compound?

a) Benzene b) Cresol
c) Naphthalene d) Pyridine

32. Which one is the mixture of 215 organic compounds?

a) Water gas b) Coal gas
c) Coal tar d) Crude coal gas

33. Octane number is the percentage of

n-pentane in a mixture
n-butane in a mixture
n-hexane in a mixture
2, 2, 4 – trimethyl pentane in a mixture

34. During the fractional distillation of petroleum, paraffin oil boils between the ranges

a) 25oC b) 40 – 180oC
c) 175 – 275oC d) 220 – 350oC

35. The octane number of gasoline may increased by adding

a) EDTA b) NaOH
c) AgNO3 d) PB(C2H5)4

36. Which process increases the yield of gasoline from petroleum?
a) Cracking b) Polymerization
c) Reforming d) Sublimation

37. Consider the reaction
3C2H2 EMBED Equation.3   C6H6
This is the example of

a) Pyrolysis b) Polymerization
c) Sublimation d) Addition

38. Which one is acyclic hydrocarbon?

a) C6H6 b) C2H6
c) C6H12 d) CH4

39. Which type of isomerism is shown by the following compounds?
CH3 – CH2 – CHO, CH3 – CO – CH3

Chain isomerism
Position isomerism
Functional group isomerism

40. The type of isomerism found in 1 – butene and 2 – butane is

a) Position b) Chain
c) Functional group d) Metamerism

41. The members of which of these have similar methods of preparation and properties

a) Isomers b) Homologues
c) Polymers d) Monomers

42. The maximum number of isomers for an alkene with molecular formula C4H8 is

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5

43. Which of the following is most stable ion?

a) CH3 – H2C+ b) (CH3)2 HC+
c) (CH3)3 C+ d) All of these

44. Which of the following is not an organic compound?

a) Urea b) Oxalic acid
c) Natural gas d) Plaster of Paris

45. Kerosine oil is a mixture of

a) Alkane b) Alkene
c) Alkynes d) All of these

46. Which of the following compounds does not contain an OH group?

a) Alcohol b) Phenol
c) Aldehyde d) Carboxylic acid

47. The chemical formula of chloride is

a) CH3OH b) CCl3OH
c) CCl3CHO d)   None of these

48. Petroleum in the unrefined form is called ____

a) Rock oil b) Coal gas
c) Crude oil d) Both a & c

49. Natural gas mainly consists of ________

a) Methane b) Ethane
c) Propane d) Butane

50. _______ is a mixture of methane, ethane,
propane and butane, used as a fuel and for
making other organic chemicals.

a) Refinery gas b) Gasoline
c) Kerosene oil d) Gas oil

51. A large number of organic compounds,
especially the unsaturated ones, show a great
tendency to unit. This process is termed as

a) Pyrolysis b) Cracking
c) Polymerization d) None of these

52. An isomer of ethanol is ________

a) Dimethyl ether b) Diethyl ether
c) Ethylene glycol d) Methanol

53. When ethylene is heated under pressure, a
transparent solid polymer, ________ is

a) Polyethene b) Ethane
c) Methane d) None of these

54. The quality of petroleum is determined by

a) Decane number b) Octane number
c) Hexane number d) None of these

55. Two or more than two different compounds
having the same molecular formula but
different carbon chains or skeletons are said
to be ______

a) Chain isomers
b) Position isomers
c) Functional group isomers
d) Metamers

56. The kind of isomerism which depends upon
the relative position of the functional group, or
the position of double or tripe bond in case of
unsaturated compounds is termed as

a) Chain isomerism
b) Position isomerism
c) Functional group isomerism
d) Metamerism

57. Isomerism, which involves compounds having
the same molecular formula, but different
functional groups are called _______

a) Chain isomerism
b) Position isomerism
c) Functional group isomerism
d) Metamerism

58. _______ is exhibited by compounds having
the same functional group but different alkyl
attached to the same multivalent atom.

a) Chain isomerism
b) Position isomerism
c) Functional group isomerism
d) Metamerism

59. In cracking usually catalyst used is _______

a) Pt b) Aluuminosilicate
c) Ni d) Tetra ethyl lead

60. In CCl4 molecule the four valencies of carbon
atom are directing towards the corners of a

a) Cube b) Hexagon
c) Prism d) Tetrahedron

61. The general formula (RCO)2O represents

a) An ether b) Ketone
c) An ester d) An acid hydride

CHAPTER # 6. Transition Elements(F.sc Part 2) Chemistry Mcqs

Transition Elements

1. Which of the following is a non-typical transition element ?

(A) Cr (B) Mn
(C) Zn (D) Fe

2. Which of the following is a typical transition metal ?

(A) Sc                      (B) Y
(C) Ra                      (D) Co

3. f-block elements are so called.

(A) Non-typical transition element
(B) Outer transition elements
(C) Normal transition elements
(D) Inner transition

4. The strength of binding energy of transition
    elements depends upon

(A) Number of electron pairs
(B) Number of unpaired electrons
(C) Number of neutrons
(D) Number of protons

5. Group  VIB of transition elements contains

(A) Zn, Cd , Hg                    (B) Fe, Ru, Os
(C) Cr, Mo, W                      (D) Mn, Te, Re

6. Which is  the formula of tetra-amine chloro nitro platinum (IV) sulphate ?

(A) [Pt(NH3)4(NO2)]SO4
(B) [Pt NO2CI (NH3)4]SO4
(C) [Pt CI (NO2)(NH3)]SO4
(D) [Pt (NH3)4(NO2)CI]SO4

7. The percentage of carbon in different types of iron products is in the order of .

(A) Cast iron > wrought iron > steel
(B) wrought iron > steel > cast iron
(C) cast iron > steel > wrought iron
(D) cast iron = steel > wrought iron

8. The colour of transition metal complexes is due to.

(A) d-d transitions of electrons
(B) Para magnetic nature of transition element
(C) Ionization
(D) Loss of s-electrons

9. Coordination number of Pt in
[t CI (NO2)(NH3)4]-2 is.

(A) 2-                         (B) 4
(C) 1                          (D) 6

10. The total number of transition elements is.

(A) 10                        (B) 14
(C) 40                        (D) 50

11. Transition metals have very high melting and
      boiling points due to.

(A) Weak binding forces      
(B) Strong binding forces
(C) Both of the above          
(D) None of the above

12. Substances which are weakly attracted by which type of force are called as paramagnetic

(A) Weak magnetic field      
(B) Strong magnetic field
(C) Feeble magnetic field      
(D) None of the above

13. The diamagnetic substances are

(A) Weakly repelled by a strong magnetic field
(B) Strongly repelled by a weak magnetic field
(C) Strongly repelled by a weak magnetic field
(D) Weakly repelled by a weak magnetic field.

14. Paramagnetic behaviour is caused by the
      presence of.

(A) Unparied electrons
(B) Paired electrons
(C) Paired protons
(D) Paired electrons in an aton, molecule or

15. The transition elements includes.

(A) Ti, Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu etc
(B) Ti, Fe, Nb, Ta, Th, etc
(C) Mo, W, Zr, Nb, etc
(D) Ti, Fe, Ci, Ni, Cu, Mo, W, Zr, Nb, Ta, Th, etc

16. Zn has

(A) Zero unpaired electrons
(B) Five unpaired electrons
(C) Three unpaired electrons
(D) One paired electrons

17. In transition elements the orbital which is
      responsible for the colour development is.

(A) s-orbital                 (B) f-orbital
(C) d-orbital                 (D) o-orbital

18. In [Ti (H2O6)]3+ which wavelength of light is

(A) Yellow light is absorbed while blue and red light are transmitted
(B) Green light is absorbed
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

19. Alloy steels are

(A) Iron atoms substituted by Cr, Mn, and Ni
(B) Iron atoms substituted by Cr, and Mn
(C) Iron atoms substituted by Mn and Ni atoms
(D) None of the above

20. Such compounds containing the complex
      molecules or complex ions and capable of.

(A) Dependent existence are called
      coordination compounds
(B) Independent existence are called
      coordination compound
(C) None of the above                  
(D) A & B

21. A complex compound may contain

(A) Simple catoins and a complexions
(B) A complex cations and a simple anion
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

22. The nomenclature of complex compounds is based upon the recommendation by the

(A) Inorganic Nomenclature Committee
(B) Organic Nomenclature Committee (IUPAC)
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

23. In writing the formula of a complex ion the usual practice is to place the symbol of the

(A) Central metal atom second
(B) Central metal atom third
(C) Central metal atom 4rth
(D) Central metal atom 1st

24. Pig iron or cast iron contains
(A) 0.25% to 2.5% carbon
(B) 2.5% to 4.5% carbon
(C) 0.12% to 0.25% carbon
(D) None of the above

25. Wrought iron is manufactured from

(A) Pig iron (B) Cast iron
(C) Pig iron or cast iron (D) Steel

26. In open hearth process for the manufacturing of steel.

(A) Using cast iron, wrought iron, or steel
(B) Using cast iron
(C) just wrought iron
(D) None of the above

27. In galvanic cell.

(A) Al does not releases electrons and
      changes to al+3 ion
(B) Ai releases and changes to Al+3 ion
(C) Both of the above
(D) Both of the above

28. The amount of iron destroyed each year by
      corrosion equal to.

(A) About 1/4th of its annual production
(B) About 1/3rd of its annual production
(C\) Both 1/2nd of its annual production
(D) None of the above

29. Almost all the chromates are

(A) Blue in colour                (B) Green in colour
(C) Red in colour                (D) Yellow in colour

30. K2Cr2O7(potassium dichromate) is used
      extensively for.

(A) Dyeing
(B) Chrome tanning
(C) As an oxidizing agent
(D) All of the above are true

31. The location of transition elements is in

Lanthanides & actinides
s and p block elements
chalcogens and halogens
d and f block elements

32. Compounds attracted by applied magnetic field are called________

a) Diamagnetic b) Paramagnetic
c) Good conductor d) Ferromagnetic

33. When light is exposed to transition element, then electrons jumps from lower orbitals to
higher orbitals in___________

a) f-orbitals b) s-orbitals
c) p-orbitals d) d-orbitals

34. The specie which donates electrons to central
      metal atom in co-ordination sphere is called

a) Anion b) Cation
c) Ligand d) Acid

35. Following ion is a bidentate Ligand?

a) Ammonia b) Oxalate
c) Carbonyl d) Cyanide

36. The central atom along with Ligand is called ________

a) Complex ion            b) Coordination sphere
c) Ligand            d) Complex compound

37. Geometry of complex compounds depends

a) no. of ligand
b) no. of chelates
c) hybridization of central metal
d) All of above

38. For sp3d2 hybridization, the expected geometry will be_________

a) Tetrahydral b) Square planar
c) Trigonal bipyramidal d) Octahedral

39. Any process of chemical decay of metals due to action of surrounding medium is called

a) Surrounding b) Enamel
c) Corrosion d) Coating

40. When an active metal like Al come in contact with less active element like Cu, then it
produces _____

a) Voltaic cell b) Galvanic cell
c) Electrolytic cell d) a & b

41. Which element has complete d – orbital are

a) Ni b) Fe
c) Zn d) Mn

42. In Ag2+ the number of electrons in 4 d orbital is

a) 7 b) 8
c) 6 d) 9

43. A regular decrease in ionic and atomic radii across the lanthanides is called

Lanthanide Contraction
Complex formation

44. The magnetic moment can be measured by

a) Gouy’s balance b) Haber’s balance
c) Down’s balance d) All of these

45. The magnetic moment is related to the number of unpaired electrons (n) by the equation

a) EMBED Equation.3   b) EMBED Equation.3  
c) EMBED Equation.3   d) EMBED Equation.3  

46. Diamagnetic compounds are those which have

a) Paired electrons b) Unpaired electrons
c) Free electrons d) No electrons

47. An extreme case of Para magnetism is called

a) Diamagnetism b) Ferro magnetism
c) Isomerism d) None of these

48. The number of ligands attached to the central metal atom or ion, usually varying from

a) 2 to 3 b) 2 to 4
c) 2 to 6 d) 2 to 7

49. Co-ordinate compound with co-ordinate six number have geometry

Square planner
May be tetrahedral or square planner

50. Steel is an alloy of iron and is classified into

Mild steel (0.1 – 0.2%C) and medium carbon steel (0.2 to 0.7%C)
Medium carbon steel (0.2 to 0.7%C) and high carbon steel (0.7 to 1.5%C)
Mild and high carbon steel
Mild medium and high carbon steel

51. Ligands are classified into

a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Five

52. EDTA is

a) Monodentate b) Bidentate
c) Polydentate d) None of these

53. Which one is Bidentate ligand

a) Cl-1 b) NH3
c) NH2(CH2), NH2 d) EDTA

54. Complexes which are less common have co-ordination number

a) 4 b) 5
c) 6 d) All of these

55. Complexes which have octahedral geometry hybridized

a) SP3 b) dSP2
c) dSP3 d) d2SP3

56. The geometry of a complex depends upon

Co-ordination number
Type of hybridization of central metal atom
Both a & b

57. Brass contain 20% zinc and

a) 80% Cu b) 70% Cu
c) 60% Cu d) 50% Cu

58. Bell metal contains

80% Cu + 20% Zn
80% Cu + 20% Sn
20% Cu + 80% Zn
20% Cu + 80% Sn

59. The formula of blue vitriol is

a) CuSO4 b) CuSO4.3H2O
c) CuSO4.4H2O d) CuSO4.5H2O

60. The transition elements usually have very
______ melting and boiling points.

a) Low b) High
c) Intermediate d) None of these

61. Finely divided iron is used in _______

a) Haber process
b) Catalytic Hydrogenation
c) Oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide
d) Contact process

62. ________ reagent can be used to identify
Cu2+ ion.

a) Nitric acid         b) Sulphuric acid
c) Sodium hydroxide  d) Potassium dichromate

63. _______ is the important ore of copper.

a) Malachite b) Bauxite
c) Blue Vitriol d) Alumina

64. Titanium is used as catalyst in _______

a) Haber process
b) Catalytic hydrogenation
c) Oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid
d) Polymerization of ethyle into polyethylene

65. An adding KI to a solution of CuSO4

a) Cupric oxide is precipitated
b) Metallic copper is precipitated
c) Cuprous iodide is precipitated with the
   liberation of iodine
d) No change takes place

66. In Cr2O72 every Cr atom is linked to

a) Two O atoms b) Three O atoms
c) Four O atoms d) Five O atoms

67. A substance which have even number of
electrons and have paired spin is called

a) Ferromagnetic b) Paramagnetic
c) Dimagnetic d) None of these

68. The empty spaces between atoms of transition
metals in their crystal lattices are called _____

a) Vacant spaces b) Valence spaces
c) Interstices d) None of these

69. [Ni(CN)4]2- is an example of ________

a) Square planar
b) Tetrahedral complexes
c) Octahedral complexes
d) None of these

70. [Cu(NH3)4]2+ is an example of _______

a) Square planar
b) Tetrahedral complexes
c) Octahedral complexes
d) None of these

71. [Co(NH3)6]3+ is an example of _______

a) Square planar
b) Tetrahedral complexes
c) Octahedral complexes
d) None of these

72. The names of ______ are usually unchanged.

a) Anionic ligands b) Cationic ligands
c) Neutral ligands d) None of these

73. The suffix “ate” at the end of the name of the
coordinate complex ion represents a/an

a) Cation b) Anion
c) Cathode b) Anode

74. Ferric oxide is _______

a) A basic anhydride
b) An acid anhydride
c) An amphoteric anhydride
d) Green in colour

75. The most strongly ferromagnetic element is

a) Fe b) Co
c) Ni d) Os

76. The property of a substance which permits it
being drawn into wire is called ________

a) Softness b) Ductility
c) Brittleness d) Hardness

77. When potassium permanganate is added to a
saturated aqueous solution of potassium
hydroxide, _______ gas is evolved.

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen
c) Carbon dioxide d) None of these

78. AgCl dissolves in u solution of NH3 but not in
water because;

a) NH3 is a better solvent than H2O
b) Ag+ forms a complex ion with NH3
c) NH3 is a stronger base than H2O
d) Dipole moment of water is higher than NH3

79. Which of the following is deliquescent?

a) ZnCl2 b) Hg2Cl2
c) HdCl2 d) HgCl2

80. CrO3 dissolves in aqueous NaOH to give

a) EMBED Equation.3   b) Cr(OH)2
c) EMBED Equation.3   d) Cr(OH)3

81. Iron obtained from the blast furnace is called

a) Pig iron b) Cast iron
c) Wrought iron d) Steel