
Chapter # 8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons(F.sc Part 2) Chemistry Mcqs

Chapter # 8
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Valencies in alkanes are _____________

Completely satisfied
Partially satisfied
No satisfied
No general rules

Alkanes containing one branch on main chain are called_________

a) Iso b) Normal
c) Neo d) Branched

When one hydrogen atom of alkane is
       replaced/removed, then it is called

Saturated hydrocarbon

Alkanes are also known as _______

Saturated hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
a & c

Sabatier’s Sendren’s reaction involves
      _________in presence of Ni

a) alkene & H2 b) alkene & O2
c) alkene & N2 d) alkene & Cl2

Zn is a good___________

a) Metal b) Oxidizing agent
c) Non-metal d) Reducing agent

Removal of -COOH is called______

a) Carboxylation b) Decarboxylation
c) Esterification d) Hydroxylation

Soda lime is a mixture of_____________

CaO and KOH
CaO and NaOH
NaOH and NaO
Nao and KOH

Malozonide changes into___________

a) Epoxide b) CO2 + H2O
c) Ozonide d) CO+H2O

RCOONa+H2O [Electrolysis] is known as _____

a) Bosch reaction b) Kolb reaction
c) Sabatier’s reactiuon d) Frankland reaction

R-Mg-Br is called_________

Grignard reagent
Wurtz reaction
Tollen’s reagent
Pinacol pinacolour reagent

Upto _____ C atoms, alkanes are gases

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 6

Alkanes are less reactive than alkenes due to__________

Presence of sigma bond
Absence of pi bonds
Presence of sigma and pi bonds
No justification available

Introduction of nitro group is called______

a) Nitration b) Halogenation
c) Sulphonation d) None

Order of halogenation is___________

a) I>Cl>Br>F b) F>Cl>I>Br
c) F>Cl>Br>I d) Cl>F>Br>I

Gas is used in fertilizer ____________

a) C2H6 b) C2H4
c) C2H2 d) CH4

General formula of alkenes is _______

a) CnH2n+2 b) CnH2n-2
c) CnH2n d) CnH2n-x

The order of dehydration of alcohol is____

no specificity occurs

Removal of halogen and hydrogen atom is___


Alkenes are produced from Dehalogenation of_______

a) di-halides alkane b) tri-halides alkane
c) vic. Di-

24. Which member of IV A has little tendency to form anions or cations?

a) Pb b) Sn
c) Ge d) C

25. Alkanes due to little chemical reactivity are also called

a) Olefins b) Paraffins
c) Grignard’s reagent d) None of these

26. Methane and other members of paraffins do not react with aqueous solution of acids, alkalies, KMnO4 or other oxidizing agents this lack of reactivity is due to its nature

a) Polar b) Nonpolar
c) Acidic d) Basic

27. Which hybrid orbital will form the compound CH3 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH3

a) SP2 and SP b) SP2 and SP3
c) SP d) SP3

28. Which of the following types of reactions occur when a reactant has a double bond?

a) Substitution b) Addition
c) Photolysis d) Polymerization

29. Among the following orbital bonds, the angle is minimum between

a) SP3 bond b) Px and Py orbitals
c) H – O – H in water d) SP bond

30. The compound with highest boiling point is

n – hexane
n – pentane
2 – methyl butane
2, 2 – dimethyl propane

31. Alcoholic KOH solution is used for


32. Which is least soluble in water?

a) Phenol b) Benzene
c) Benzoic acid d) Ethanol

33. Baeyer’s test is use to detect the bond in an organic compound

a) Single bond b) Double bond
c) Triple bond d) All of these

34. Ethylene reacts with Baeyer’s reagent to form

a) CO2 and H2O b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Ethylene oxide d) Ethylene glycol

35. When ethylene reacts with chlorine to form an oily product. This oily product is called

a) Baeyer’s test b) Bromine water
c) Dutch – liquid d) Glycol

36. Which of them is used as general anesthetic?

a) Ethane b) Ethene
c) Ethyne d) Ether

37. The positive part of the adding molecule will go to that carbon which has greater number of hydrogen atoms. This statement is called

Hoffmann’s Rule
Baeyer’s Strain theory
Thiele’s theory
Markownikoff’s rule

38. Bromo Ethane on treatment with alcoholic KOH yields

a) Propane b) Ethene
c) Ethylene d) Acetylene

39. Metallic carbide on treatment with water gives out a colourless gas which burns readily in air and gives a red precipitate with Cu2Cl2 + NH4OH. The gas is

a) CH4 b) C2H6
c) C2H4 d) C2H2

40. When acetylene reacts with 10% H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4 yields

c) CH3CHO d) CH3OCH3

41. Dehydration of Ethanol gives

a) C2H4 b) C2H2
c) C2H6 d) C2H4O

42. Which of the following has active hydrogen?

a)  C2H2 b) C2H4
c) C2H6 d) CH4

43. Treatment of propene with cold concentrated H2SO4 followed by boiling water forms

a) Propyne b) Propanol
c) Propanal d) 2 – Propanol

44. Markownikoff’s rule provides guidance for addition of HBr in

CH2 = CH – CH3
CH2 = CH2
CH3 – CH = CH – CH3
None of these

45. The compound having both SP and SP3 hybridized carbon atom is

a) Propene b) Propane
c) Propyne d) All of these

46. PVC is a polymer of

a) CH2 = CH2 b) C2H6
c) CH2 = CH Cl d) C2H2

47. The structural formula of the compound which yields ethylene upon reaction with Zinc is

a) CH2Br – CH2Br b) C2H3Br
c) C2H2 d) C2H5OH

48. The major reactions occur in alkanes are

Electrophilic addition reaction
Nucleophilic substitution reaction
Free radical substitution reaction
Free radical addition reaction

51. The high polymer of chloroprene is 

a) Polythene b) Benzene
c) Neoprene d) Vinyl acetylene

52. Which one of the following gives Ethyne on electrolysis?

a) Sodium Acetate b) Sodium Succinate
c) Sodium Formate d) Sodium Fumerate

53. Ethene on interaction with hypochlorous acid gives

Dichloro acetaldehyde
Ethylene chlorohydrin
Ethylene Dichlorohydrin

54. The compounds having Pi bonds are in general

a) More reactive b) Less reactive
c) Neutral d) Both a & b 

55. Which one will not decolourize bromine water?

a) Ethene b) Ethyne
c) Propene d) Butane

56. Acetylene adds on to HCN to give

Acetylene cyanide
Vinyl ethane

57. Action of HOCl with ethene to give ethylene chlorohydrin is an example of 

Displacement reaction 
Substitution reaction
Addition reaction 
Polymerization reaction 

58. Chloroform is stored in dark coloured bottles because in light it is 

Reduced to CCl4
Oxidized to CCl4
Reduced to phosgene
Oxidized to a poisonous phosgene

59. Formation of alkane by the action of zinc on 
alkyl halide is called ________

a) Frankland reaction 
b) Wurtz reaction 
c) Cannizzaro’s reaction 
d) Kobe’s reaction

60. The alkynes have _______

a) Tetrahedral frame work
b) Planar molecules
c) Linear structure
d) None of these

61. The alkenes have _______

a) Tetrahedral frame work
b) Planar molecule
c) Linear structure
d) None of these

62. Alkenes undergo _______
a) Addition reaction 
b) Substitution reaction 
c) Both addition & substitution reaction 
d) None of these

63. _______ does not react with aqueous solution 
of acids, alkalies, or potassium permanganate 
or other oxidizing agents and most of the usual 
laboratory reagents.  

a) Benzene b) Ether
c) Methane d) Acetic acid

65. Markovnikov addition of KCl to propene 

a) Initial attack by a chloride ion 
b) Isomerization of 1 – chloropropane
c) Formation of n – propyl cation 
d) Formation of isopropyl cation

66. When an aqueous solution of sodium or 
potassium salt of mono carboxylic acid is 
subjected to electrolytic, corresponding alkane 
is formed. This reaction is called ________

a) Sabatier Senderens Reaction 
b) Kolbe’s Electrolysis
c) Polymerization
d) Chlroination 

67. The elimination of hydrogen halide (HX) from 
adjacent carbon atoms is called ________

a) Pyrolysis    b) Chlorination 
c) Dehydrohalogenation     d) None 

68. When a mixture of ethane and air is passed 
over heated silver under pressure, we get 

a) Epoxide b) Super oxide
c) Suboxide d) None 

69. The process used for the preparation of 
acetylene is _______

a) Berthelot Process
b) Sabatier – Senderns Reaction 
c) Kolbe’s Process
d) Haber’s process